According to The Guardian, at least "28 have died and hundreds are injured in a wave of attacks by giant hornets in central China." The hornets, also known as Vespa mandarinia, have reportedly "chased [victims] for hundreds of meters... and stung [them] as many as 200 times."

The venom from the stings can cause anaphylactic shock and kidney failure, the Guardian reported  Imagine getting stung 200 times by one of these:

Seven-year-old dancer, Ririri, is probably a little more popular than you were when you were her age. She has almost 60,000 followers on Twitter and her Niconico channel is full of videos of her awesome, animated dancing style. It's almost as though she popped right out of an adorable fantasy world.

However, no one give this girl caffeine. Ever. As you can see above, she already has WAY too much energy.

Chantelle Phillips and Robin van Sallandt